Novelties 2015 – Front


The creative understanding of the company continues with the Fronts,
the Swedish designers who have become the spokeswomen for a personal and free approach to design, drawing upon different worlds and mixing up their inspirations. The Ellipse table is indeed a sculpture born of the encounter between two volumes: the top and the base are two regular ellipses balanced on each other which experiment with a daring support on curved surfaces.
Ellipse table has a delicate yet majestic design which pays homage to the ellipse, a shape of great appeal with innate grace. From a functional point of view, it’s a table with a unique, powerful design, conceived in a proportion which can fit into any home and is able to accommodate from 6 to 8 diners comfortably. Unique and functional in the dining room, it can at the same time be a table of great character and sculptural proportions for exterior use, a unique, highly versatile piece for indoor or outdoor spaces.