2021 Progettare la nuova ospitalità


With the first digital conference, 2021 Progettare la nuova ospitalità,  Elle Decor Italia, the international brand of design, interiors and architecture, pursues the objective of opening a discussion table on the changes that are affecting the hospitality sector today in the post-pandemic era. Emphasizing the importance of synergy between institutions, trade associations, designers and entrepreneurs, the conference has seen the flourishing of ideas and new directions to be taken, in favor of a world that plays a central role in the economy of the country.
To close the round table "The evolution of the Italian hospitality offer: the point of view of the category associations", the contribution of Assarredo, with the intervention of the President Maria Porro, who highlighted the concept of a made in Italy hospitality  at 360°, highlighting the centrality of the concept of quality of the place dedicated to hospitality which the Italian furniture and design can contribute to support and elevate. Maria Porro also confirmed that Italian design and furnishings are at the service and listening to the needs of hoteliers in order to propose adequate housing solutions to the renewed demand, hoping for an active contribution in order to offer an inclusive high-quality hospitality.
